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Illuminoscillate Biography

After an extended gestation, Illuminoscillate was born in 2007 as an audio/visual entity performing sporadically, seated upon the outskirts, yet comfortably within the genres of dark industrial/ambient noise, not entirely within a singular space, confined not by genres. Illuminoscillate’s creations intricately weave a fabric of lysergic, illicit undercurrents, bleeding from the plague-ridden soils of the toxic sanctity of repetitive manifestation.

From an early age, music permeated the household of Illuminoscillate. Growing up in a lightly inhabited part of the world, he has fond early memories of hearing distant trains traveling, echoing across the desolate, flat lands of his Australian town late into the evenings. He would listen to this sound, usually in the dead of night, amazed how it would slowly echo toward his ears, a rhythmic wave of metal grinding metal. He lay awake, listening, entranced. As a child, sound was everywhere outside the walls of his modest home, especially at night. After growing and developing a more thorough understanding of the sounds he favored, Illuminoscillate gravitated toward atmospheric music, eschewing traditional composition. In his youth, he experimented with a few instruments, mainly brass, and voice, and also documented his surroundings on cassette with a stolen microphone. In his mid-to-late teens, he began experimenting with drums, guitar, bass, vocals, and synths (usually borrowed gear), but mainly effects, feedback, sample cutups, cassette manipulation and sound loops.

There is no explicit directive for Illuminoscillate. Although each release is a distinct and comprehensive work, the “message” is entirely at the listener’s discretion.


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