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HAARK – Individuation



From its first explosive outburst, Individuation, the latest album from Melbourne’s HAARK (aka A Demon Sheen), incites the listener to embrace the metaphysical interrogation challenging and objectifying the listener’s place among us. Where does the individual begin and society end? How can free will exist surrounded by ceaseless pressures for conformity? Who or what determines the valuation of our fellow men and women? Is it possible to escape the predilections of our “humyn” nature and societal pressures to become truly free?

Individuation poses these complex questions through a unique blend of styles including ambient, metal, grindcore, and more. These unique stylistic blends are aural extensions of the underlying message of Individuation; do I prefer this over that, what am I really drawn to, how can I be both yet neither. The music of Individuation realizes its underlying message becoming in and of itself a unique expression defying any attempt at pigeonholing it into preexisting genres. Album opener “You Paid the Butcher” unleashes a brutal onslaught to heighten the listener’s awareness. The interstitial “Debriefings” trigger a decompression.

Individuation is undoubtedly a journey of questions. True to its message, the album fosters a singular musical language. No single style can be ascribed; by eschewing expected norms, Individuation is new and unique, tasking one to engage in thankless self-exploration and finally face humynkind’s critical dilemma: whether to create or be consumed.

Limited Edition of 50 copies


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